The details of Awards, Prizes, Recognition’s received by the nominee in the past:
- N.G. Ranga Farmer Award for Diversified Agriculture 2014 By Prime Minister Shree Narendra Modi ji.
- Outstanding Women Award from National Commission for Women on the occasion of International Women’s day Celebrations on 13th March, 2012.
- ReceivedASPEE-L.M. Patel Farmer of the year award 2011 (Rs.1 Lac award)
- Received Innovative Award for Agriculture and allied activities during Global Agriculture Summit on 9thSeptember, 2013 at Gandhinagar Gujarat on the occasion of Vibrant Gujarat 2013 from Shri Narendra Modi, Hon’ble Chief Minister, Gujarat (Prize of Rs. 51,000/-).
- Received Champion farmer’s award during 7th National Conference of KVK’s at PAU Ludhiana in November, 2012, from Hon’ble Union Agriculture Minister.
- Mahila Sashtikaran award in Pusa Krishi Vigyan Mela2010 IARI New Delhi
- Utkarstha stall award in Pusa Krishi Vigyan Mela 2011 IARI, New Delhi
- Innovative Farmers Award in 5th National Seminar of Mobilisation on “Multi-Sectoral Innovations for Rural Prosperity” (May 19-21, 2011) at NDRI, Karnal (HR)
- INSEE Appreciation Certificate for valuable contribution to the successful organization of the International Conference on “Innovative Approaches for Agricultural Knowledge Management: Global Extension Experiences” during Nov.9-12, 2011.
- Appreciation Certificate during Partham Navparvartak Kisan Goshthi organized by NBPGR, New Delhi on 28th February 2011
- Certificate of Pazticipation in Seminar on “Dilli ke parinagariye kshetro me sabzi utpadan” organized by KVK, Ujwa, New Delhi, on 30th April, 2011.
- Appreciation Certificate during Global Agri connect conference-cum- exhibition held from Oct.14-16, 2011, at IARI, New Delhi
- Acknowledgement of participation in Krishak Janit Navpravertano per rashtriya karyashalaorganized by Haryana Kisan Ayog, on Dec.23-24, 2011, at Hisar (Haryana). A brief highlight success case of Smt. Krishana Yadav for her innovative endeavour in entrepreneurship was mentioned in the publication of the event.
- Excellent stall award during Kisan Mela- 2012 (Rabi) organized by CCSHAU, Hisar, Haryana.
- Innovative Farmer Award in 6th National Seminar of MobilisationOn “Emerging Challenges and Paradigm for Sustainable Agri-Rural Development” (December 18 – 20, 2012) at Solan, HP.
- Certificate of Participation in Global Conference on “Women in Agriculture” held during March 13-15, 2012, at IARI, New Delhi
- Certificate of Nomination for Jagjivan Ram Abhinav Kisan Puruskar 2012
- Innovative Farmer Award in Vishal Kissan Sammelanon Oct.10, 2012 organized by Progressive Farmers’ Forum, Faridabad, Haryana.
Outstanding contribution:
Smt. Krishna Yadav has got many outstanding achievements to her credit. She strives for genuine commitments and zeal to achieve extra-ordinary performance. Smt Krishna is always looking ahead to improve upon her business enterprise. Starting her journey as a small business venture in value addition (pickle making), from patari (roadside selling the products) and now she is an owner of a factory,manufacturing approximately 1500 quintals of fruits and vegetables processed product generating an annual turnover of more than Rs. 3 crores from the factory and providing employment to others.. She has made substantial progress in terms of technology adoption, diversification, technology development, technology modification, technology diffusion, entrepreneurial resource person, motivator etc. which has earned a distinct status and respect for herself in the society.She has assumed a leadership role in promoting entrepreneurship development in the local area. She is regarded as a role model for the prospective entrepreneurs interested in food value addition/food processing.
She has not only been able to grow and diversify her own enterprise manifolds but also able to generate livelihood for rural women of neighborhood. She has also provided free of cost training to 47 widows of BSF jawans and training to physically challenged youths for developing market skills.Her concern for developing other similar enterprises has also resulted in expansion of her own manufacturing base from Najafgarh, Delhi to Hapur, U.P. She has also taken initiatives for modifications of technologies such as preparation of salted fruit drinks and dried eatable powder from jamun seed and bitter gourd for diabetic patients; preparation of haldi (termatic) juice; and ginger juice. She has developed strong market linkages with various agencies including BSF canteen, malls in Delhi and Gurgaon.
Recognition in the form of many accolades, awards and honours has been accorded to her. She has been awarded by Chairperson of National Commission for Women, Smt. Mamta Sharma and recognized her as one of the 25 Outstanding Women of India in 2012. She was also awarded prestigious ASPEE award (Rs. 1 lakh) in recognition of her endeavors. Her efforts have been appreciated by Chief Minister of Gujarat Shri Narendra Modi jee during Global Agriculture Summit on 9th September, 2013 at Gandhi nagar Gujarat on the occasion of Vibrant Gujarat 2013 with cash prize of Rs. 51,000/- and certificate.